15-19 y 22-26 de mayo

Para martes, el 16 de mayo 

Part 1: Finish reading and handouts from class if you didn't finish in class. 

Part 2: Take your cuaderno home and review the pages and information from the year. Then, write for at least 10 minutes in Spanish on at least 3 the following 4 prompts (so write for at least 30 minutes total). You may write in your cuaderno or in a Google Doc (as long as you share the Google Doc with me): 

  • Describe one of your friends as if they were a superhero. (Name, physical description, what they wear, personality, special abilities, things they do well an don't do well, where they live, what they like, etc.)
  • Describe your school day at St. Anne's. 
  • Describe Spanish class. (what you do, what school supplies you use, games, activities, people, how the class is arranged sometimes, etc.) 
  • Describe examples of three different dangerous selfis.

8 a 12 de mayo

Para miércoles, 10 de mayo 

Practice talking (to yourself, to another person, to your dog or cat, to a stuffed animal) about the questions and topics on this list in Spanish. Choose 3-5 questions to practice writing about, too, just to get your thoughts flowing in Spanish. Write as much as you can without stopping for 5 minutes on each topic you choose.

Para martes, 9 de mayo 

Review and practice the words on this Quizlet for at least 15 minutes.  

1 a 5 de mayo

Para jueves, 4 de mayo 

Learn, review and practice the words and phrases on this Quizlet for at least 20 minutes. Do NOT focus on how fast you can complete a game or task; focus on learning the words. Do a combination of activities, including Spell and Test.  

Para miércoles, 3 de mayo

Write the phrase (feelings/emotions phrases that you are learning) next to the picture it matches. (You glued the pictures into your cuaderno in class today.) 

Para martes, 2 de mayo

Quizlet 6.8 for at least 15 minutes. Use a variety of the available activities: learn, flashcards, spell, test and/or match.

Para lunes, 1 de mayo 

No hay tarea. 

24 a 28 de abril

Para miércoles, 26 de abril

No hay tarea

Para martes, 25 de abril

Complete the handout you received in class.

Para lunes, 24 de abril 

Watch these two Señor Jordan videos again: 

Uses of estar

Uses of ser

Finish the worksheet about ser and estar if you didn't finish it in class today. 

18 a 21 de abril

Uses of estar

Uses of ser

Para el viernes, 21 de abril 

No hay tarea

Para el miércoles, 19 de abril 

Review the vocabulary in all of your grade's Quizlets, from 6.1-6.7. Think about different topics related to the words. Write down ten topics (in English) that you think you could talk about in Spanish. For example, describe your family, say what's in your locker, talk about your school schedule, etc. Write them in an email to me or in a Google Doc that you share with me. 

10 a 14 de abril

Para miércoles 12 de abril 

No hay tarea

Para martes, 11 de abril 

Study and practice set 6.7 of Quizlet for at least 15 minutes. 

Para lunes, 10 de abril 

Beginner's tutorial for green screen effect 

1. Finish gathering the 3 backgrounds for your dangerous selfie green screen images. Put them in a Google Doc that has your name in the title and share the document with me at [email protected] 

2. Study and practice set 6.7 of Quizlet for at least 15 minutes. 

3 a 7 de abril

Para viernes, 7 de abril (Due Friday)

Sign in to Quizlet and do at least 15 minutes of set 6.7.  

Para jueves, 6 de abril (Due Thursday) 

Choose one article that you made predictions about and one that you didn't do for homework. In your cuaderno (one article por page) write the following for EACH article you chose:

  • Título del artículo 
  • Ideas principales
  • Información interesante 
  • 5 a 10 palabras (words) o frases importantes 
  • Preguntas (questions you have)
  • 3 palabras nuevas (new words you learned)

Para miércoles, 5 de abril (Due Wednesday) 

Choose two of the articles (their headlines and other brief info) from the two handouts you received in class today. Use the pictures, words you know and other clues to make thoughtful predictions about what you think you will read about in the actual article. Write them in your cuaderno. Include words in Spanish that might come up and other ideas. Write in Spanish as much as possible, but you may also use English to make your predictions. Other ideas are to read the headlines and other words aloud, make guesses about what different words might mean, and use what you already know about the topic. 

20 a 24 de marzo

Para jueves, 23 de marzo 

Quizlet 6.6 for 15 a 20 minutos. 

13 a 17 de marzo


MONDAY, MARCH 13 Sub Instructions 

Follow these instructions: 

1. Get computer and headphones. 

2. Click on this link to and watch the video for Grade 6 about telling time in Spanish (scroll down to find your video).

3. Complete the ¿Qué hora es? packet. 

4. If you finish the packet, make your own wordsearch on the blank grid. Include 8-10 Spanish words we used to talk about Kubo.


Homework para lunes, 13 de marzo 

Finish your sentences about Kubo and the Two Strings if you didn't finish in class. Then, practice Quizlet 6.6 for at least 15 minutes. Log in to receive credit for completion.

6 a 10 de marzo

Para viernes, 10 de marzo

Practice Quizlet 6.6 for at least 15 minutes. 

Para jueves, 9 de marzo 

No hay tarea

Para miércoles, 8 de marzo 

No hay tarea

28 de febrero a 3 de marzo

Para el lunes, 6 de marzo 

No hay tarea.

Para el viernes, 2 de marzo 

No hay tarea. 

Para el miércoles, 1 de marzo 

2016-2017 Quizlet 6.6 Work on this Quizlet vocabulary for at least 15 minutes. Start with Flashcards to familiarize yourself with the words, then move on to Match. Log in if you want to get homework credit. 

21 a 24 de febrero

Para viernes, 24 de febrero 

Do 15-20 minutes of Quizlet 6.6. Log in and do a combination of Flashcards, Learn, Spell, and Match. 

13 a 17 de febrero

Para viernes, 17 de febrero 

Practice Quizlet 6.6 for at least 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to log in. Do a combination of Match, Spell and Learn. 

Para jueves, 16 de febrero 

in your cuaderno write about your family in Spanish using the vocabulary we started to learn today. 

Para martes, 14 de febrero 

Watch this video 

6 a 10 de febrero

Para viernes, 10 de febrero

In the Google Doc you created in class, continue to write about the original superhero you created. Write at least ten more sentences. These may be bullet points if you wish, but try to make sentences and phrases as much as possible. Consult Quizlet if you need reminders of vocabulary to use. Share your doc with [email protected] if you haven't already shared it.

Para jueves, 9 de febrero 

1. In Spanish, describe how to play "Palmera y Cocos." Write your description in your cuaderno on the first página limpia after the vocab list you wrote down in class. 

2. Trae tu cuaderno a clase. No olvides. (Bring your cuaderno to class. Don't forget.)

Para miércoles, 8 de febrero 

No hay tarea.

Para martes, 7 de febrero 

Quiz on Quizlet 6.5 words and phrases. It will be a combination of dictation (where you write down what you hear), writing the word that matches a picture, and matching. 

30 de enero a 3 de febrero

Para miércoles, 1 de febrero 

Study for the quiz on Quizlet 6.5 vocabulary. You will have to write out the Spanish for pictures that you see. For example, if there is a picture of a snail, you'll write caracol. You will also have a matching section and a section in which you'll hear a sentence and write down what you hear. 

Para martes, 31 de enero 

No hay tarea unless you didn't finish yesterday's Seesaw homework.

Para lunes, 30 de enero 

Log in to Seesaw with your St. Anne's Google account (Chrome browser recommended). Record yourself or someone else acting out the actions for the Cocos game. Say the Spanish word aloud with each action.

23 a 27 de enero

Para viernes, 27 de enero 

No hay tarea.

Para el jueves, 26 de enero 

No hay tarea. Quiz on Friday over Quizlet 6.5 Superhero vocabulary.

Para el miércoles, 25 de enero

Study and practice Quizlet 6.5. After you practice with Flaschcards and Match, try a few tests, but when you choose Options, choose only 10 words at a time. 

Para el lunes, 23 de enero

Write as much as you can in Spanish in your cuaderno about the superhero you created. Write complete sentences when you can; otherwise write lists of words and phrases. 

16 a 20 de enero

Para el miércoles, 18 de enero

Bring in any images you would like to add to your comic book cover. 

Para el jueves, 19 de enero 

No hay tarea. 

9 a 13 de enero

Para viernes, 12 de enero 

Log in to Quizlet with the account you use for Spanish. Use Flashcards and Match to study 20 words from the 6.5 set. Study them well. 

Para miércoles, 11 de enero

Choose one of the superheroes on the superhero chart. Write out the answers to each question for that superhero to the best of your ability. Write your answers--some complete sentences, if possible--on a página limpia in your cuaderno. 

Para martes, 10 de enero

Log in to Quizlet with the account you use for Spanish. There are new words on the list. Study and practice the vocabulary using Quizlet set 6.5. Start with Flashcards and then practice with Match and then Spell for at least 15 minutes. 

Para lunes, 9 de enero 

Log in to Quizlet with the account you use for Spanish. Study and practice the vocabulary using Quizlet set 6.5. Start with Flashcards and then practice with Match and then Spell for at least 15 minutes. 

2 a 6 de enero, 2017

Para viernes, 6 de enero, 2017 

No hay tarea. 

Para jueves, 5 de enero, 2017

No hay tarea. 

12 a 16 de diciembre

Para el jueves, 15 de diciembre 

Take a picture of your Elf if you have one. Take a picture of where you find it or stage it yourself. Email the picture to me. If you don't have an Elf, color the elf you received in class, cut it out, place it somewhere and take a picture of it. Email the picture to me. 

5 a 9 de diciembre

Para el viernes, 9 de diciembre

Listen to these two traditional Christmas carols in Spanish. Try to sing along with at least part of each song. 

Mi burrito sabanero  


Para el miércoles, 7 de diciembre

Study for Wednesday's quiz on vocabulary in Quizlet 6.4. 

Para el lunes, 5 de diciembre 

1. Cut and glue the weather handout you received into your cuaderno. Cut it into two sections (divided before the second heading) and glue each section on a separate page. 

2. Click this link to weather information in Spanish and search for 3 places in Latin America to see what the weather is like there. Practice describing the weather aloud. Practice saying the temperature. 

3. Log in to Quizlet 6.4 on a laptop or desktop computer and do 10 minutes of Match and Spell. 

4. Listen to this song of the Spanish-speaking countries. 

28 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre

Para el viernes, 2 de diciembre 

Complete yesterday's homework if you didn't do it. 

If you come into class tomorrow and say "Buenos días, Señora Bakken. Es un día perfecto para comer galletas," I'll give you a reward. 

Para el jueves, 1 de diciembre

1. Use this link to join our class, Bakken 6, on Quizlet. Log in with either your email or your St. Anne's Google account. Send me an email with the username and the email you used so we have a record of it. Always log in to Quizlet so that you get credit for any Quizlet homework. 

2. Practice Quizlet for 5 minutes so that I can see that you logged in and that your work is showing up.

3. Finish your drawing of what you would design for St. Anne's school uniform if we had to have uniforms. Make sure it has color and other details. Label your picture with clothing vocabulary words from our vocabulary list. 

Para el miércoles, 30 de noviembre

Do at least 15 minutes of Quizlet 6.4 Make sure you log in correctly! 

Para el martes, 29 de noviembre

Do at least 15 minutes of Quizlet 6.1-6.4 todas. Make sure you log in correctly!